The Secret of Samosas: The Reason Why Kids Love Them


Kids love to eat, even if some of them may be picky eaters to some extent, once they find a food they love, they will ask for it again and again. Kids also love experimenting and trying new foods. One of the foods that kids love are samosas. If your kids hear that you are going to an Indian, Pakistani or Asian restaurant, they may get excited for samosas. Why do kids (and adults, too) love these little triangular flavor packets?

The Secret of Samosas: The Reason Why Kids Love Them

Although kids like tasting new foods and experimenting to an extent, there are some foods that have an acquired taste and may not be immediately appealing to children the first time they try them. Going to new restaurants and having them try simple and familiar flavors is the key to encouraging them to try more of the new cuisine you will introduce them to.

However, samosas seem to be one of the most beloved dishes, both by children and adults alike. There is a great variety of types of samosas usually offered on the menus in Indian and Asian restaurants, giving children (and their parents) plenty of wiggle room to choose an option that they think they will enjoy.

The Top Reasons Why Kids Love Samosas

What is the secret to samosas? Here is a short list of the most common reasons why children enjoy them so much.

1 - Crispy Texture

Children love crispy and crunchy foods. Smaller children love food that will make sounds when they are bitten into. Samosas will make a strong crunchy sound when they are eaten, especially those that are fresh out of the fryer or oven.

2 - They Are Really Filling

Children end up feeling full for longer after they eat samosas. The ingredients that are in these tasty treats are what give them their satiety value.

3 - They Enjoy the Ingredients of Samosas

The last and most obvious reason that children love these crispy treats is that they are delicious. The flavor that samosas have is unlike any other food that children have ever tasted. The ingredients that are used in samosa recipes are also what makes them so appealing for children. They love eating meat. A variety of meats can be used in samosas. They can have chicken, pork beef, and other types of meat depending on the restaurant. A plus is that most of them contain vegetables as well. Spinach, lettuce, carrots, and cucumbers may be added to the recipe to up their flavor profile as well as add an additional layer of nutritional value. Kids do not really care if the snack they have is nutritious or not, as long as it is tasty, so samosas are a great way to hit those two birds with one stone.


If you are craving for a snack that will keep you feeling full and satisfied with your meal, have a samosa! They are great for children and adults alike and will go great as a side dish to many Indian and Pakistani dishes!

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