The Truth About Halal Foods: Debunking Myths


Halal is the Muslim’s general term for the acts that are permitted or lawful in their community. All these are in reference to what their scripture—the Qur’an—dictates. In terms of food, Halal food is free from any component not allowed for Muslim consumption. This includes processed foods or anything created and produced using utensils, equipment, or machinery that is not cleansed according to Islamic Law.

While Halal food is specially made to cater to the community’s needs, it is becoming a popular diet and food option for Muslim and non-Muslim communities. Still, some false impressions prevent some people from experiencing the great food that the Muslims have.

If you have also heard misconceptions about Halal food, here are the truths that you need to know about:

Fact 1: Halal Food Creation Is Not a Dirty Process

One of the biggest and common misconceptions about Halal food is that it is not clean. This hearsay exists primarily because of how the Halal food is prepared and made, and the process is simply what the majority of non-Muslim people are used to.

As part of the tradition and what sets Halal apart from the conventional meat, the animals are reared and cared for first before they are slaughtered. Halal animals are also only fed a vegetarian diet, never treated with growth hormones or antibiotics.

The animals should also only be slaughtered by a Muslim by hand and not by machine. During the slaughtering process, they completely drain the Halal animals’ blood. Muslims see animals’ blood and its consumption as filthy and harmful, which has been part of their customs and beliefs for so long.

Unfortunately, people who are not used to this method and lifestyle may find the process obscene and unclean, without knowing that the act of removing the blood is freeing the meat off of toxins found in animal blood.

Fact 2: It Is Not Barbaric

Other onlookers also think that the process of slaughtering the animal sounds inhumane and barbaric, but it is the exact opposite of what the tradition tries to achieve. Even during the slaughtering process, the animal’s comfort is still the priority of the slaughterer. That is why the process ensures that it is done peacefully. They even make sure that the process does not take place in front of other animals.

Others also have negative comments about the process of a person killing the animal. However, they do not know that the Muslims try to make it as quick and as fast as possible so that the animals do not suffer for long.

Again, the animals are cared for until their last breath. No animals are to be slaughtered using a dull knife, as it should be sharp so that it could swiftly do the job. That means they avoid dull knives that would require a few more cuts in the animals. It must be fast and should not inflict too much pain on them.


Unfortunately, people are too quick to judge when it comes to other people’s customs and traditions. Sometimes, they form their opinions without learning about the complete picture. The mentioned realities are some of the misunderstood practices from the Muslim community.

Despite that, they continue what they think would be good for them and their society. If those misconceptions are what keeps you from trying Halal foods, know that they are not valid. The community has their people’s best intention for choosing to do it the way they do.

If you want to try the best Halal food in Vancouver, BC, order from Karakoram Restaurant! We have created meals with an irresistible variety of flavors from Pakistan, as Chef Qasim Mehmood presents you plates of surprises with delights that befit the Taste of Lahore and Taste of Peshawar. Order online or dine at our restaurant along Victoria Drive today!


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