Indian Cuisine - Dining “Indian-Style”- A Basic Guide

One of the most wonderful things in the world is diversity. Each country has their own culture, traditions, and ways of life. No matter where you are from, however, food unites everyone! This is why you can find Indian food take-out in almost all corners and reaches of the world. In fact, the chances are that you probably have friends that are Indian or of Indian descent as well! Of course, at some point, there will most likely be an invitation to join them for a meal—which is definitely a great opportunity to immerse in their culture.

Understandably, you will probably have many questions about their traditions. You want to be respectful, so there will be concerns about seating, using utensils versus hands, and even the spices that go into the food you eat! Read on to find out what you need to know so you can dine like an Indian in no time.

What should be taken into account when dining with Indians?

There are several things that need to be considered when it comes to dining in the way they do it. In fact, some of these things span even outside the meal itself!

To give you an idea, here are some things you need to know:


Hospitality and having guests for entertainment is a key part of Indian culture. When they ask someone over to their home to share a meal with them, it is a clear sign of respect and honor.

Merely visiting friends who are Indian will likely lead to an invitation as well. There's a traditional saying in India that goes "Atithee Devo Bhava," which in English translates to "The Guest Is God!" Take note that declining the invitation without a pressing, urgent, valid reason will most likely be offensive!

In terms of punctuality, give a 15-20 minute allowance. Arriving on time might actually be too early—so make sure to ask your friend about the particulars to be sure!

During The Meal

Multiple dishes with many food items will be at the table instead of portions per individual being doled out. Whether or not the Indians in question are vegetarian, you will most certainly have a lot of rice on your hands. Expect flatbread (called Chapati), salads, yogurt, dishes with lentil and vegetables, pickles, and meat to be on the menu.

Start eating only after everyone has been able to serve themselves. Cutlery is accepted, but the usual practice is to use fingers! However, don't lick them or put them in your mouth—that's considered as impolite. Avoid getting food from someone else's plate or offering from yours, either. Beyond that, avoid using your left hand; it's considered 'unclean' and highly disrespectful.

Indian culture views the amount of food eaten at meals as direct indicators of how much it is being enjoyed. If you get offered more to the point of some gentle coaxing, do your best not to refuse! The last thing you want to do is be disrespectful to your hosts.

If you're well and truly full, another nibble or two should not make that much of a difference.


Indian food is so prevalent that it is available even outside the continent of Asia. That said, there can be some concerns regarding the do's and don'ts when it comes to traditions in a traditional Indian home. By taking note of this guide, you know the basics well enough so as not to offend your hosts!

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