Food Facts That Every Indian Food Lover Should Know

Indian food is one of the most delicious cuisines out there. It has an exquisite taste, making it the best choice for any special occasion. It is also the best way to have a taste of India and its culture. If you enjoy eating this food, you might also want to know the facts about their cuisine.

Facts About Indian Food You Need to Know

1. Each Region Has Its Famous Dishes Based on Accessible Ingredients

Every food in every part of India depicts the kind of raw ingredients they are abundant in.

In the North, they have the Dal. It is a lentil dish that is tasty and easy to prepare. In the South, they have curry. It is a stew with a variety of ingredients. You can have it with rice or roti. In the West, they have Vindaloo. It’s a spicy pork dish with plenty of sour and vinegar-tinged notes. Meanwhile, the East has Halwa. It’s a popular breakfast dish made of wheat, sugar, almonds, and grated pistachio.

2. They Usually Make Food From Scratch

In India, most people use their hands to make food from scratch. That is why they rarely use canned goods and processed food.

The spices are freshly sourced, aromatic, and have a unique taste. The vegetables are locally sourced and not canned. They also grind their flour and make raisins from scratch. That allows them to monitor their food's quality and the freshness of the ingredients.

3. They Don't Use Curry Powder

India is famous for its curry meals, but they don't use store-bought curry powder. Instead, they use a blend of several spices that are ground together to give the dish a more potent and fresh taste.

4. You Can Describe Indian Food in Six Blended Flavors

Speak about Indian food, and most people will mention the "spicy" factor. However, Indian food is not only spicy. It’s also aromatic, tangy, salty, sour, and sweet.

You'll find a balance of these flavors in each dish you taste. That is because Indian food has many spices and herbs that perfectly blend and give you a powerful and exceptional flavor.

5. Chutneys Are a Must-Have Side Dish

Chutneys are a must-have side dish when it comes to Indian food. You can use them to balance the flavors of Indian dishes and give your meal a fresh twist. But the chutney they use can be dependent on the region. For example, North Indians prefer a side dish of okra and tomato chutney, while people in southern India like to use eggplant chutney.

6. They Have Many Rice Variations

There are several varieties of rice you can try when in India. There is white, red, brown, and black!

  • White rice is the most commonly used type of rice. It is the counterpart of durum or pasta rice.

  • Red rice is a grain that is high in nutrition, taste, and fibre.

  • Brown rice is high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. It is also low in fat and cholesterol and has a nutty taste.

  • Black rice has been around for thousands of years. It is considered a health-food staple because of its high nutritional value. It has a high level of protein and fibre.


Indian food is not only delicious but also interesting to learn about. People in India use various ingredients, spices, herbs, and even rice to achieve the best flavors and taste. If you want to taste the real thing, visiting India is the perfect way to do it! However, if that's not possible now, you can learn more about it by checking out your local Indian restaurant.

At Karakoram Restaurant, you will experience flavors reminiscent of Western, Middle Eastern, Pakistani and Indian cuisines. We are a traditional Pakistani Restaurant with fine dining that will let you experience the treasured flavors and spices being prepared for more than a decade.


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