Cuisine Spotlight: Common Meats Used in Pakistani Food

Every country in the world has its unique culture and cuisine. No exception to the fact is Pakistan, a country where religion and culture influence its cuisine. Pakistan is an Islamic country, so the food eaten differs widely with the class structure. Because there's a difference in class structure, certain ingredients will be used by the wealthier people, and the same goes for those that aren't. An excellent example of this is meat.

Meat is one of the most expensive food items you could buy, primarily because Pakistan is predominantly in a hot and humid area. This is why people would rather buy cheaper foods like vegetables instead of meat. Only certain people could afford to buy meat because it's pretty expensive. Regardless, meat has its place in Pakistani cuisine.

In this article, we'll detail meat in Pakistani cuisine. Read on below to learn more.

The Types of Meat in Pakistani Food

Since Pakistan is an Islamic country, pork is taboo. The meats that are usually present in Pakistani cuisine are as follows:


Lamb is considered to be one of the traditional meats in Pakistani cuisine. It's prevalent in Pakistani, especially in the rural areas. When you are in a rural area of Pakistan, you can find a lamb market pretty much anywhere since it's such a popular item to sell.

This popularity can be accredited to lamb’s being very rich in flavor. It's a favorite for the chefs in Pakistan. It's also a favorite for the locals who serve it to their guests, mainly because lamb is rich in protein, especially beef eaters. Lamb also goes excellent with rice, vegetables and other vegetables.


Chicken is another type of meat that is very popular in Pakistani cuisine. In Pakistan, you can find different types of chicken, such as chicken kebab and chicken tikka. It is not the most popular meat available in Pakistani cuisine, but it's still pretty popular nonetheless. While it's not strictly traditional for Pakistani people to eat chicken, it's not frowned upon either.


In Pakistan, mutton is the alternative to lamb. It's usually prepared in the same way as lamb, such as stewing it. Mutton is also popular because it's cheaper than lamb.


Generally speaking, beef is considered to be the least popular meat that is available in Pakistani cuisine. People don't like to eat beef because it's the type of meat you could buy on the black market. In the rural areas, where beef is famous, it is usually cooked on the pan and fried. People don't usually cook beef in Pakistani cuisine because it's still taboo in Pakistani culture.

Best Pakistani Meat Dishes

The popular meat dishes of Pakistan are as follows:

Gol Gappa

Gol Gappa is considered the national snack in the country. It's a kind of dumpling that contains different types of meat. The meat is cooked with various spices. This dumpling is served with spicy mint sauce.

The dish is typically served on the streets of Pakistan, and it's very popular among people of all ages. They're cheap and easy to make, even though they might have a strong taste.

Chicken Tikka

As the name suggests, chicken tikka is a dish cooked on an open fire or a grill. It's served on top of roti, a type of flatbread. Chicken tikka has its variants, such as Chicken Tikka Masala—a popular variant of Chicken Tikka in the West.


Biryani is a dish that consists of rice that is cooked with spices and either chicken, lamb or mutton. It also goes well with a sauce called raita; a yogurt made with cucumber, spices, and fried onions.

It's prevalent in the country, mainly because it's a variation of the Indian dish that bears the same name. Depending on the region that you are in the country, the seasoning will differ. As such, there are many variants of biryanis.


Nihari is a stew containing meat, onions, tomatoes, and other vegetables. It's very popular in Pakistan because it's known to have a solid taste that many people love, regardless of its stew. It's generally served in the winter months because of the strong taste.


Meat is a food that is very important to Pakistani cuisine. It has its place in the country, and it’s pretty much present in all the big cities of Pakistan. No matter where you are in Pakistan and regardless of the class structure, you can find delicious meat dishes.

If you’re looking for the best Pakistani food in Vancouver, Karakoram Restaurant is the place for you! We offer a diverse selection of Pakistani food, all of which are guaranteed to leave your taste buds satisfied. Simply contact us to book a reservation!


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